Seeing is Believing; Believing is Achieving

The Personal Experiment

Archive for the ‘affirmation’ Category

Ten Questions That Can Change Your Life

Posted by sibbia on August 28, 2007

This is a follow-up to my post, Asking the Right Questions.  I promised questions that can help change your life.  Here are ten questions to help you start your quest!

  • What could I do to bring myself closer and more connected to (God, my mate, my family, other people)?
  • What would I do with my life if money was no object?
  • What could I do to make my world a better, happier, more peaceful place today?
  • How can I live the life of my dreams?
  • What do I really want?
  • What one thing, big or small, could I do to improve my current situation right now? 
  • How can I easily tap into an abundance of ideas for (creating more income, advancing my career, finding my perfect mate…)?
  • What can I do to easily earn more money now?
  • What small thing can I do to make my life more meaningful?
  • In what way can I experience abundance today?  What can I do to keep the abundant mindset?

Now, add your own questions and type them out in Word.  Print two copies, one to keep with you and one on your nightstand so they are at hand first thing in the morning and just before you go to sleep. Review them often and be ready for creative insights.

Remember, the key to this practice is repetition and an open mind.  Expect that answers will come to you and be ready to act on them.  Keep a small notebook with you at all times so that you can write down any ideas you have. 

Good luck!

Sign up to receive my posts by email and never miss an entry!  Also, please remember to keep Anne in your thoughts and prayers, her story is here.

Posted in affirmation, Belief, creating your own reality, Inspiration, learning from within, Life, Thoughts | 6 Comments »

Asking the Right Questions

Posted by sibbia on August 24, 2007

We’ve previously discussed the idea of asking for Divine guidance and wisdom in our lives and my last post talks about changing or shifting your energy in order to attract what you want or need.

Now let’s carry that thought one step further.  What would happen if we believed (and acted on the belief) that we already had the answer to any question we might want to ask?  Wouldn’t this just be the realization of the idea that all true knowledge comes from within?

What if, just what if, you already had and knew everything you needed to live the life of your dreams? 

How would you feel?  What would you do?  What would be different?

Personal Account

It was once suggested that this blog should be titled “speaking is believing” and for good reason.  If I could impart one idea as paramount it would be to watch your words and thoughts, to be careful what you say to yourself and others.  Recently, a fellow blogger at over at gave me another way to do just that.

He wrote a post on how to ask the right questions back in May which I discovered a few weeks ago.  It is meant to get you asking the kind of questions you need to get more positive results and is based on the premise that whenever you ask yourself a question, your mind immediately works to find an answer.

After reading this post and paying attention to my normal internal conversations, I realized that I still often asked myself the wrong questions!  And I’m willing to bet that most of us do the same.

For instance, my favorite question has always been, “why?”  If I don’t understand, I want to know why.  If something doesn’t go as planned… I ask why.

Why did this happen?  Why am I in this situation?  Why haven’t I still done <fill in the blank> yet?

Does any of this sound familiar?

In the weeks after reading that post, I’m beginning to replace why with what and how.  It goes like this:

What happened?  How do I respond to it?  What’s the best thing for me to do in this situation?  What can I do now to get this done?

Can you see the difference?

Your mind will respond very differently to the second set of questions than it did the first.  This is a wonderful, simple practice that can be added to your day along with a few regular affirmations.  Just ask yourself a question you need the answer to and wait to see what comes to you, both right then and throughout the day.

Try it for a week and let me know what you think.  Try it today and see what happens!

Start with a question from the million dollar blog and ask yourself, “how could I improve my life or something around me by 1 percent?

Then keep an eye out for my post on questions that can change your life.  Remember, it really is all in your head! 🙂

Sign up to receive my posts by email and never miss an entry!  Also, please remember to keep Anne in your thoughts and prayers, her story is here.

Posted in affirmation, Belief, creating your own reality, Faith, Inspiration, Life, Success, Thoughts | 7 Comments »

Prayer Request

Posted by sibbia on August 14, 2007


Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, there I am.

There is, there always has been and always will be, power in prayer.  And just as there is strength in numbers physically, there is strength in combined prayer.

Prayer is sustaining and comforting.  To have the support of a prayer group is encouraging and tremendously more powerful than going it alone.  That said, I’m asking my readers for their help and support for one of our own.  Forgive me for not being able to do this story justice.

Turning Obstacles into Victory

Anne is a 54 year old woman from a small town and still believes in (and reflects) the traditional small-town virtues of respect, honesty, loyalty, perseverance and hard-work.  After 13 years in the manufacturing field, her life took a sudden turn when she was hurt on the job.  In her own words:

“being hurt at work and having people I’d worked with for over 12 years and believed to be friends, turn on me was very painful. But it presented me with the opportunity to finish my book…”

After only nine months back at the workplace, Anne was in a car accident which totaled her truck and left her in need of healing and unable to return to her previous line of work.

For over a year, Anne has worked on recovering and helping her family, all the while depleting her savings, and now after 28 years of payments, she is being threatened with losing her home in November.


November is three months away!  Our life situation can change overnight and any challenge or crisis is a situation we can learn from and overcome.  Afterall, the Universe has an abundant supply if we just learn to see and tap into it.  There is most certainly a supply for every demand.  That said, I ask that we all help Anne p.u.s.h!

Pray Until Something Happens!

Here is the summary of the story in Anne’s own words:

“Many things led up to this accident at work which had to be fought with workman comp..then no sooner back to my job of 13 years, I was rear-ended on a blizzard day bringing my son home from the VA hospital. {decided} No fighting that battle with work so I quit to heal, lived off my 401k but healing was for naught…the lawsuit just settled as most settle…very little. BUT my time off gave me the opportunity to finish my first book… my aged parents have me at their full disposal which I am very grateful for, because of the accident my veteran son decided it was time he try to become better by accepting his ptsd, bi-polar and manic depression, take his medication and help the others vets coming home, my daughter is trying to improve her life and I will soon begin college for my Pastoral degree. The Lord works in mysterious ways and I begrudge no-one, none or nothing.”

Please include Anne in your prayers, meditations and visualizations.  Send her love and light and support.  You can leave comments for her here and I will soon create a permanent page for this prayer request (and any others that come to me).  Anne can be contacted directly at:

Seeing is believing and believing is achieving — help me prove that statement beyond a shadow of any doubt.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6



Posted in affirmation, Belief, Blessings, creating your own reality, Despair, Divine Guidance, Faith, God, healing, Hope, Inspiration, Life, Meditation, P.U.S.H, Prayer, Scripture, Thoughts | 6 Comments »

When God Says, “No”

Posted by sibbia on August 9, 2007

While I shuffled through and ordered my thoughts, mentally creating a list of what I intended to accomplish, I thought about my children who were unexpectedly home with me.  What they were going to do and what they would enjoy?  Realizing that the computer was the only thing that was absolutely essential for me to get a meaningful amount work done, I opted for a field trip.  It was the perfect time for a trip to the park!

As I packed up the lawn chair, laptop, books and other necessities, my son came into the room to ask if he could go outside.  Knowing that we were headed to the park, and that he would enjoy running through the grass and trees much more, I said no.  He turned tail and left, a bit upset, and I continued packing. 

Ten minutes later, he was happy and cheerfully urging me out the door so we could get to the park.  It was a pleasant trip and more than he asked for initially.

As a parent, I don’t say no to my children out of anger or just for the purpose of withholding something.  As always I do my best to function with their best interest at heart.  

Could we expect God, as the ultimate parent, to do any less?

So remember when you don’t seem to be seeing the results you expect from your prayers, affirmations or other work, don’t despair… God simply has something better planned for you! 

Posted in affirmation, Belief, Faith, God, Life, Meditation, Prayer, Thoughts | 4 Comments »

Power of the Spoken Word

Posted by sibbia on August 8, 2007

Today I wanted to remind us all of the power of the spoken word.  I often advocate for the use of affirmations and different types of meditations as part of our daily practice — and I still consider this an extremely important part of our creating the success we desire in our lives. 

There is something, however, that has a much more lasting and continual effect, and that is the content and quality of our spoken word.  When it is said that you create your own reality, it is not simply through meditation and mental picturing — those are only techniques to firmly ingrain a set of beliefs in your awareness.  It is also, even primarily, through the words we choose to describe ourselves and our circumstances.

When we understand the power we have to create ourselves and the world around us, we become much careful in how we choose to speak.  Statements such as, “I’m no good at math”, “I’m always late”, “I never win anything” or “I have a terrible memory”, serve to create and sustain that very reality.

 But instead of writing further on the subject myself, I will direct you to an excellent set of posts written on the topic already. 

The first post covers the various ways we might be influenced and asks us to be aware of what thoughts and beliefs we are readily accepting into our awareness.  It was written by Mark of  The Naked Soul — an insightful and interesting blog that is not to be missed.

The second post deals directly with seeding your mind with the correct thoughts and beliefs through the conscious use of powerful words.  The post comes from the Million Dollar blog and lists 12 simple ways to empower your words and your life.  A site definitely worth subscribing to.

As always, seeing is believing and believing is achieving.  Seeing you enjoying a wonderful, happy and blessed day!

Writing to our success,


Posted in affirmation, Belief, creating your own reality, Happiness, Hope, Inspiration, Life, motivation, New Thought, Power of Intention, Power of Speech, Success, Thoughts | 3 Comments »

Life Instructions

Posted by sibbia on August 7, 2007

Too often we have been taught how to survive but not thrive. 
We learn or were taught how to cope but not change. 
We manage to function but not live. 

Here are some thoughts to help change that:

Accept responsibility for everything that happens in your life, both good and bad.

Respect yourself and others.

Learn to truly love yourself and extend that love to others.

Read about and study every subject important in your life:  relationships, finances, career, spirituality…

Wisdom comes from within, seek it out daily.

Take risks.  Go out on a limb — that’s where the fruit is.

When you fall down, GET BACK UP!  (and don’t spend another moment thinking or talking about the day you fell down)

Take the road less traveled and be willing to go where the path leads you.

Write down your goals.  Define them, review them and pursue them.

Dwell on only what you want.  You cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought. 

Make a habit of daily prayer and affirmation

And above all…

Live, love, be happy!

Posted in Adventure, affirmation, Belief, creating your own reality, Depression, Faith, Happiness, Inspiration, Life, motivation, Thoughts | 8 Comments »

Personal Account 8/3/07 — Divine Guidance

Posted by sibbia on August 3, 2007

One thing I often suggest is that we affirm and request Divine guidance in our lives.

Two sample affirmations are:

I request the unfolding of God’s Divine plan in my life.

Old things fall away and I am guided to the right people and right circumstances

to manifest the beauty of God’s plan for my life now.

I call on and follow intuition, my inner knowing,

and I am led to just the right action, at the right time.

But in addition to regular affirmations, it is important to reach out to the Universal mind whenever a decision needs to be made.  Request that God’s wisdom help you decide how to proceed and ask for a definite sign or hunch.  It will be given to you.

Lately, I have been wondering what I could or should add to my product line.  An idea came to me but I wasn’t sure if it was something I should pursue.  I began my normal process of weighing the pros and cons, costs and potential benefits (I do study engineering afterall) when I remembered to let go and simply ask for a direct sign.

Shortly thereafter, I realized I hadn’t read Today’s Daily Word in a few days and looked at today’s message:

Today’s Daily Word – Friday, August 3, 2007

New Adventures

I move forward with enthusiasm for my next adventure.
Now is the time time for the good and the new for acting on ideas that have inspired me. As a child of God, I am guided in ways that lead me to share more good with more people.

I release any unproductive or stagnant patterns from my past and embrace the innovative. My new adventures take many forms, and this may bring a time of change to my lifestyle. I may have opportunities for a new career, to relocate, or to travel. This very day, I discover expanded ways to serve God.

With each adventure, I experience greater freedom of expression. Valuing opportunities to share, I give the very best I have to give and I receive with gratitude. I welcome new adventures, the freedom they bring me, and the good they bring into my life and into the lives of others.

Whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all. — Galatians 6:10

For this to be the first thing I read after having just requested Divine guide and a definite sign, was crystal clear to me.  I should pursue the other line of inventory.  More importantly, I was told why and how I should do it.  It is just another way to serve God and share more good with more people.  I consider the chance to do that a blessing and something I am happy to pursue.

Asking for Divine guidance provided me with a clear, simple answer which completely bypassed the reasoning mind.  I am grateful for the ability to ask what I should do and find out!

I hope this story helps lead others to request and receive guidance in their affairs.  As always, let me know!

Posted in affirmation, Belief, Blessings, Daily Messages, Divinity, Faith, fear, God, Hope, Inspiration, Life, motivation, New Thought, Prayer, Scripture, Spirituality, Success, Thoughts | Leave a Comment »

Effortless Meditation (Part 2 of 3)

Posted by sibbia on July 30, 2007

Today’s focus is focused daydreaming, or visualization.  This technique is often used specifically as a manifestation tool, and can be used both internally and externally.

External (Manifestation Meditation) — Many of us are familiar with this technique.  It involves holding a firm picture of something you want to achieve (or receive) in your life.  This is a time honored and powerful technique, for nothing is achieved in life without being able to imagine it so.  Yet some of us have not developed this imaging faculty or are so bogged down in the day to day that our thoughts are a reflection of our current experiences and lack the power and joy to motivate us to dream of something else.

For those of us in that situation, we will modify this technique slightly.  First, we create a short list of activities that we have enjoyed in the past, accomplishments we are proud of and/or just periods when we were very happy.  Next, create the same type of list but this time use situations, experiences and externals that have not happened yet.  Review the first list remembering as much detail as possible.  Recreate the same feeling you had in that situation.  Smile.  Picture it.  And transfer that same feeling as you read the list of things that have not happened yet.  Smile and imagine yourself in the new situation feeling as happy and alive as you have in the past or even more so! 

Doing this helps align yourself with the happy circumstances you are picturing and other such pleasing situations in general.  Some find it helpful to add pictures representing both things we enjoy and things we would like to experience.  This type of focused daydreaming can also be used with only the first list, as a way to redirect any negative thoughts/emotions that come your way.  Simply reading the list and remember the good things that have occurred in your life and the things that you enjoy in this world can immediately change your outlook, leaving you calmer and more positive.

Internal ((Re)Creation Meditation) — In this case, we are not trying to bring some external thing or circumstance into manifestation.  Instead, we are shaping and creating the person that we want ourselves to be.  A list and memories is also helpful with this technique, though not required.  The first list in this case consists of attributes we want ourselves to have.  While the second contains situations where we have failed to live up to our ideal.  Now instead of beating ourselves up over the times we’ve gotten angry, frustrated, worried, or in some other way temporarily lost our faith, we just relive the situation and this time behave in the manner we wanted to earlier. 

See yourself being calm in a situation that once caused you doubt or anger; being patient and relaxed at a time you normally would have been frustrated and impatient.  Use your affirmations and your mental pictures to create the person you want to be.  Immediately combat any negative thought with a positive statement or affirmation.  If the frantic thought comes to you that you’re going to be late, calmly respond that “God guides you to be in the right place at the right time” or “this is simply a lesson I needed to learn about focus, advanced preparation and/or time management.  I am thankful for the lesson and no longer concern myself with anything that is not within my direct control.”

Whatever the situation, learn to treat your thoughts and emotions as something outside yourself.  Let it be an internal conversation, one where you immediately correct or refuse to acknowledge any thought or feeling that does not lead to your own good, or the person you want to become.

 This internal technique, in part, is what’s meant by “being the change you want to see”.  Not only will it give you a chance to lead by example, becoming a calmer, happier, more peaceful, helpful person will lead to you seeing more of the same in your own life.



 Remember, if you like this post and the others contained this blog, please vote for me here.  You can vote once a day and there is no registration required.

Posted in affirmation, Belief, creating your own reality, Faith, fear, Happiness, Hope, Inner Peace, Inspiration, Life, Meditation, motivation, New Thought, Power of Intention, Power of Speech, relaxation, Spirituality, Success, Thoughts, worry | 2 Comments »

You Are God!

Posted by sibbia on July 18, 2007

I’ll say it again, you are God.  How can I make such an audacious claim?  Many of us recognize that the divine force is part of everything and resides in us as well, and yet don’t seek out the realization of that perfect divinity.

They may accept Jesus Christ as the son of God, without realizing that we are all sons and daughters of God, or remembering that Jesus said that we were to go forth and create even bigger works (miracles).  To the average man, this is an impossible, ludicrous statement.  Yet I remind you that we are made in God’s image and likeness and we are all an expression of only one divine force.

We are as the waves on top of the ocean — made in its image and likeness but lacking its full power and realization until we merge back to the source from which we came.  When we focus on God and God-like behavior, we are beginning that process of reconnection, for we have been surely told, “draw closer to God, and God draws closer to you.”

The highest aim of this blog is to help us realize and express our divinity.  This is the answer to any question we face, and the supply to our every need.  Everything I write, design, create and photograph is meant to inspire the very best in our nature.  Sharing and providing service to others helps strengthen my commitment to bringing light into world (starting with myself).

The more we recognize our own divinity, the stronger our faith becomes.  Fears vanish and our lives become more harmonious as we transcend the ego and align ourselves with the divine.

Piercing the veil of illusion that makes us believe we are seperate individuals removes selfishness and competition from our hearts and we being to understand our collective power.

Is this some lofty, difficult goal?  No.  Must we run off to the mountain top to meditate for ten years, forsaking all worldly concerns?  No, for how would we be of any use to others then?  When faced with a challenge, a crisis, temptation, dilemma… say to yourself simply:

Only that which is true of God is true of me for God and I are one.

Let this thought guide you, ask what God would do in that situation and do your best to behave in the same manner.  In that instance, you have reached toward God and God reaches back toward you.

There is only one thought that comes through me to share with everyone today and that is:

You Are God!

I am the artist; I am the Creator, and my life is as divine as I make it. 

See it, believe it, achieve it.

If you like this post and the others contained this blog, why not help me blog for a year?  Vote for me here.  You can vote once a day and there is no registration required.

Posted in affirmation, becoming a divine vessel, Belief, Blessings, Christianity, creating your own reality, Divinity, Faith, Freedom, God, Happiness, Hope, Inspiration, Life, Maya, motivation, New Thought, Realizing Our Own Divinity, Spirituality, Success, Theology, Thoughts | 8 Comments »

Just Stay Focused

Posted by sibbia on July 16, 2007

I just ran across this video and had to share.  It’s short and sweet, but encouraging.  A perfect thought to end the night.


Posted in affirmation, Belief, creating your own reality, Faith, Freedom, Hope, Inspiration, Life, motivation, New Thought, Spirituality, Success, Thoughts, Video, Youtube | 3 Comments »